
To the same old place that you laughed about...

Welcome Back!!

Today I have added multiple posts so please continue on to the bathroom post. I have a brand new hard drive and - while I love it - I am mourning the loss of the old one. I feel like the blue screen of death has taken my soul along with everything after December 13th - My last back up. Christmas - Gone. Little House - Gone. Guess it's lucky I blog... Or is it?

Finished Bathroom

So, the bathroom is D-U-N (pretty much). I have attached before/during/after pictures...

Day one (you may have seen this before):

Begining of floor removal:

This was a really difficult period for me...

Progress :)

Flooring 1 and 2:

Tada! I can tell that Polly is unsure of the finished project because of the colour. I am pleased and feel it is accurate for both the era and myself. I would appreciate feedback so leave a comment if you have time - this is our riskiest room yet!


Just a note... The house computer is down and I am unable to update much until we get the computer back.


Additional Kitchen Photos

Below are photos of the kitchen today (w/o dishwasher and the microwave will move):


Counter Tops

I have been working on the kitchen cabinets and today we got new counter tops. I am extremely pleased with both the counter tops and the progress Polly and I have made (along with a cast of characters). I have added some photos below:

Remember these? Old counter top and original condition cabinets:

New counter top and refinished cabinets:

Old counter (close-up):

New counter top pattern (close-up):

It is very import to me that (within reason) we could keep any contractor hiring local. Accordingly we went with Random Lake's own:

I will add photos tommorow of the second counter top we had installed.

btw, I updated the to do list...


To Dos

This is my to do list for the house. I will update it periodically. I would like to be in by 3/15/09. Will that be possible for two people with full-time (and then some) jobs?
