Perhaps my only hope is to reduce the flow of items into the house... Fortunately/unfortunately, I recently acquired the following items that I love and fit well with little house:
Dresser for Sun's room. Cedar Grove Rummage $10. Very few signs of wear:
Dresser for me. One handle is missing a piece of decorative plastic and the top has slight damage but otherwise spectacular - especially when it if free:
My most coveted and essential addition - Metal Cabinet for the kitchen. Hopefully Polly will find time to sandblast it for me and I will paint it all black. In the meantime - a kitchen life saver for $10. Thanks to the Champagne Tuesday crew!!
An now for the most expensive ($40) piece and second most coveted:
I have been lucky enough to find some great pieces for the house. Perhaps only I would call my self lucky but I guess that's all right for now. (Catch that Al?)