
The worst part is, they haven't done anything in 55 years...

So, in my first post you saw the new house when it was new. It is no longer new.

The first owner raised his family in this home
and lived out his life in this home. His wife also lived her life in this home - thanks to the assistance of their youngest son: RN.

What follows is reported with no judgment. I encourage readers to reserve judgment as well. From all accounts, RN was an incredibly smart and kind man who faces his challenges in a non-traditional manner.

In the 7 or 8 years that has elapsed since RN's mother passed away, the house has fallen into a state that one may describe as "abandoned, with occupant". RN himself seem to have been bereft of hope. Cleaning and repairs suffered and the smell of the house was compounded by illness. That illness drove him to call 911 and he will not return to his house. RN is convalescing on ole Rocky Top.

Announcement: In case you were unsure, you are hard-down in half empty!

My small sun (the spelling is on purpose - light of my life and junk...) has named our house "Smelly House" and I have adopted the name as well. The dirt and grime are indescribable and probably unbelievable, although I have attached photos.
  • To be bleached: Everything!!!!
  • To be replaced: bathroom floor, bathroom faucets, shower head, tub surround, kitchen floor, counter top, refrigerator, oven, front door, door knobs/deadbolt.
  • To be repaired: one light switch, kitchen drain, water heater, wall gouges.
  • To be moved: all of RN's requested personal belongings and the financial paperwork of roughly a dozen local business and individuals for whom he worked.
  • To be disposed of: anything fabric that RN doesn't want - plus so much more...
  • To be added: water softener, washer, dryer, life, love, hope, commitment, and strength.
Kitchen cabinets

iles of crap

Bathroom sink

Bathroom floor


  1. I can't wait to see what you do this place. I'm sure it's going to be a challenge, but if anyone can, it's you.

    Are you going to live there through the renovations?

    LOVE, love, love the blog!

  2. good luck in you new endeavor

