
Little house on a small planet

World's as big as a dime (as my dear friend Margie W. would say) and so is my new house. These are photos from 1953 - the year the house was manufactured/delivered/assembled. The photo on the left is taken from the front of the house and the photo on the right (forgive the quality) was taken as you approach from the east:

The house was built by M.
Capp Manufacturing Company in MN. Capp-Homes were delivered in partially finished sections which were assembled on the site to form the roofed and enclosed shell of a house. Prefabricated materials to finish the interior of the house were supplied with the package. In other (hyphenated) words, mid-century, pre-fab.

Capp Homes was one of the largest packaged home businesses in United States. When the housing market became volatile in the early 80’s, Capp Homes left the industry and closed their doors never to reopen.

Below is the final bill for my home.

The Concrete walk, parking pad and drive were poured for an additional $30.00. They did not go "all out" for black top - at the sky-high price of $199.00.

A 1-1/2 car garage of unknown cost was erected (tee-hee) in 1966.


  1. Your new house is so cute! Tiny, but cute. Can't wait to see it.

    I love the template you chose for your blog, you have great taste.

  2. I was so stoked about this, I blogged about it. This is so awesome!!

  3. tomorrow is coming up quick, i am ready to close, and apparently you are too.

